• The Jizera river is a beautiful river flowing through the Český Ráj (the Bohemian Paradise Natural Reservation). The stretch of the river from Spálov, through Malá Skála to Dolánky u Turnova is 20km and you can do it within one day.
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Fun for everyone

Our offer is meant for everyone - children, adults and families.
We have a sufficient number of rafts, life jackets, and other equipment available.
They are in perfect condition and we will bring them to the boarding place of your choice.

For Schools

Undemanding route, Safe and big inflatable rafts,
Good quality equipment, Professional supervision,
Thorough instruction before setting out.


How to make a reservation: Milan Masák, instructor,
call at: + 420 605 532 085, Fill in the Reservation Form,
Send an Email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   

It can rely on us

Personal approach, responsibility and positive motivation to teach is our goal. The Jizera river is beautiful and it is worth giving it a try.